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Unghii 2011

     In ultimele zile am cercetat, pe net, prin reviste, ce se poarta in materie de unghii in anul acesta...Pot spune ca rosul este in trend la fel ca si anul trecut,este potrivit unghiilor scurte, la fel si portocaliul coral. Daca ai unghiile lungi poti folosii grena-ul, care se asorteaza cu orice tinuta.
    In the last few days i looked online, in magazines, what nail polish is in trend these year...I can say that red is in as last year, is perfect for short nails, just like orange coral. If you have long nails you can use garnet, that harmonizes with any outfit.

     Se poarta de cateva sezoane nuantele metalizate si acestea raman si anul acesta pe primul loc: auriul, argintiul precum si albastru metalic, plus orice combinatie intre aceste culori.
For several seasones metallic nail polishes where in trend, but these year they are still nr.1: gold, silver and metallic blue, plus any combination between them.

Nuantele aprinse, raman si ele dar nu asa de intense ca si sezonul trecut: mov, verde, bleu, roz
Bright tones, they remain too, but not as intens as they were last season: purple, green, blue, prink


 Indiferent de forma unghiilor tale, poti oricand sa optezi pentru o clasica manichiura french sau pentru unghii scurte si ingrijite. Alege nuante nude, naturale: bej, crem, alb-roze, alb-gri, sau doar un simplu strat de lac de
unghii transparent.
Whatever shape your nails are, shortor long, you can always choose for a classic French manicure. Choose nude shades, natural: beige, cream, pink white, gray white, or just a simple coat of transparent nail.

       Sper ca cercetarea mea sa ma fie de folos, dar pana la urma cred ar trebui sa folosim culorile care ne plac pentru unghiile noastre....
       Hope that my research will be useful, but in the end I think that we should use that colors we likr for our nails.

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