Pielea din jurul unghiilor devine treptat aspra si uscata, iar mai tarziu pielea incepe sa crape. Unele femei rezolva aceasta problema in mod radical – isi taie cuticulele, in timp ce altele prefera sa le impinga spre radacina unghiei de cateva ori pe saptamana.
Acestea sunt necesare deoarece protejeaza unghiile de infectii, desi sfatul profesionist e sa nu le taiem deoarece cresc mai groase si mai tari,multe femei aleg aceasta optiune temporara.
A topic that requires increased attention should be cuticles, most women who do notproperly take care of their nails and hands and those who use strong products, suffer from "dry cuticles.
The skin around the nail becomes rough and dry slowly, and later skin begins tocrack. Some women radically solve the problem - cut their cuticles, while others preferto push them to the root of the nail a few times a week.
They are necessary because it protects your nails from infection, althoughprofessional advice is not to cut them because they grow thicker and stronger, morewomen are choosing this option temporarily.
Daca nu vreti sa cheltuiti bani pe tot felul de tratamente puteti sa folositi si uleiul de masline sau de migdale de fiecare data cand vreti sa ma inmuiati si hidratati cuticulele
I admit that I cut them ,they are rough and unsightly, but when I got a tratemant I notice an improvement, which are slightly more hydrated ... and i didn't pay a lot of money for it ...
If you do not want to spend money on all sorts of treatments, you can use olive, oralmond oil every time you want to soak and moisturize your cuticles.
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